Young people who were ignored and neglected by busy or irresponsible parents, hanging around the street in little bands easily fall prey to gangsters and ruthless pimps. Through our works, we can save them from getting further involved in delinquent behaviors, prostitution, and drugs.
We provide women and children who suffer from sexual exploitation, domestic violence, desertion or other crisis situations, with a safe and caring environment in which to recuperate and rebuild their lives.
As the statistics show that the rate of divorce is getting higher every year, helping single parents to overcome their problems, like lack of support, work, and economic security, is a muchneeded service.
In providing shelter service for women and children who suffered in domestic violence we found that ‘foreign spouse’ victims were increasing rapidly. ‘Foreign spouse’ refers to women who immigrated to Taiwan through marriage, not only lacking resources but also facing unfriendly environments without sufficient legal support. In addition, they can speak little Chinese and do not know where to ask for help.
Since 1987, Good Shepherd has been doing preventative works in aboriginal areas, educates young people to protect themselves from abuse. Good Shepherd sets up Hualian Guangfu, Hualian Rueisuei and Hualian Yuli Aboriginal Family and Women Service Centers to provide services for aboriginal women and children such as schoolwork counseling, parenthood education and activities to promote good relations between parents and children.We visit aboriginal tribes to help disadvantaged families deal with problems, enhance family functions, and unify local resources for building caring community networks.
Good Shepherd started services in Taiwan in 1987 because young girls were sold into prostitution. This problem has been resolved, but the problem of human trafficking is still emerging. Our work in combating human trafficking in Taiwan is prevention, protection, partnership, and participation.Since 2007, Good Shepherd has dedicated efforts to combating human trafficking by raising public awareness, advocacy, training, and evidence-based research.